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Professor Ren Xirong attended the online meeting of the IACL-AIDC Roundtable:“Constitutional Identity: Universality of Constitutionalism vs. National Constitutional Traditions?”

SOURCE :     TIME: 2021-06-22

On June 10, 2021, the IACL-AIDC Roundtable "Constitutional Identity: Universality of Constitutionalism vs. National Constitutional Traditions?", hosted by St. Petersburg University, was successfully held online. More than 40 participants came from China, Russia, the United States, Germany, Japan, Australia, Italy, Peru and other countries. Professor Ren Xirong was invited to the conference and delivered a keynote speech.

The conference is divided into six parts, professor Ren Xirong delivered a wonderful speech entitled “The Constitution's ‘Weak’ Expression of Equal Protection: Death Compensation and Constitutional Reflection of Community in Chinese Context” in the fourth part “Sub-national and supra-national constitutional identity”, combining theory with practice, elaborating the protection of equal rights to the experts and scholars from the perspective of reflections in constitutional law. Experts and scholars from St. Petersburg University, Waseda University, the University of Melbourne, National University of Singapore, University of Strasbourg, University of Passau and other universities conducted in-depth discussions on issues such as the constitutive elements of the theory of constitutional identity, the practice of countries with global constitutional identity and the development of Russian constitutional identity. They expressed their views and learned from each other.

This conference is a grand meeting in the field of research on constitutional law, and it has set up a platform for academic exchanges in international constitutional law research. The professor of the JLU School of Law were invited to this conference, which on the one hand can give a voice to the JLU School of Law on the international stage, and on the other hand is also a good opportunity to seek cooperation opportunities with famous overseas law schools.