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Codification, especially in Germany and in the German-influenced legal systems, entailed not only a reorganization of the law, but a scientific recasting of legal concepts. The European lawyer has at his command a store of synthetic concepts, such as 'force majeure'. Their exact meaning may not always be perfectly clear, but they do save a lot of space-consuming enumeration. By contrast, American lawyers draft to combat the lawless science of their law, that codeless myriad of precedent, that wilderness of single instances. Thus, van Hecke observes, when a European and an American lawyer want to express the same thing, an American lawyer needs far more words. American contracts are prolix because American substantive law is primitive. ՋV (344 words) In international law, including WTO law, it is well accepted that certain questions of a preliminary character which are independent from the merits may nonetheless stop the proceedings before findings on the merits are made. This eventuality need not be expressly stated in the governing instruments of the judicial body concerned. Questions of jurisdiction and admissibility are both part of the universe of preliminary questions that, while leaving the merits of the case untouched, have the potential to prevent or postpone a final judgment on the merits. The difference between jurisdiction and admissibility is a feature of the general international law of adjudication. Besides the International Court of Justice, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and arbitral tribunals have also made this distinction. For example, in SGS v. Philippines, the tribunal of International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes found that it did have jurisdiction to consider a contractual claim under the so-called "umbrella clause" of the bilateral investment treaty at issue. The tribunal, however, declined to exercise this jurisdiction, concluding that the claim was not admissible because of a forum clause in the contract stating that contractual claims must be brought to domestic courts. Importantly, neither the Statute of the International Court of Justice, nor the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States, under which SGS v. Philippines was decided, explicitly includes the distinction between jurisdiction and admissibility. The Dispute Settlement Understanding of the WTO does not contain this distinction either, but that alone is not a reason to disregard the distinction out of hand. In fact, the dichotomy between jurisdiction and admissibility is embedded in the separation between the authority of the tribunal and the more general procedural relationship between the parties. 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